To introduce students to a variety of specific nonprofits and their representatives who address topics such as the organization's mission, financial support, and work.
To introduce students to a variety of specific nonprofits and their representatives who address topics such as the organization's mission, financial support, and work.
Students will learn the fundamental principles of parliamentary procedure and use the procedure to create a plan for a service project in the community.
Youth make a chart of how they typically spend a free day and then envision what that same free day would look like when it is infused with philanthropy. They plan a free day, substituting their usual routine with activities that serve the community. They discuss the benefits and...
We define culture and explore the cultural traits of individuals and the group collectively.
The groups wear their headdresses and perform a Junkanoo-like parade first internally and then to entertain a group that needs cheering or to teach about cooperation and respect for cultural expressions.
Students learn about the power of collaboration, especially in the world of philanthropy. They will discuss: Why would someone want to work with others? What skills and attributes does it require to be a servant leader?
This lesson provides an example of a politician known for his honesty. The learners identify why they depend on politicians to be honest, and discuss why it is difficult for politicians to be honest.
This lesson introduces the origin and purpose of Kwanzaa. Young people make a kinara, or candle holder, to use for the rest of the unit as they learn about the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
To have students partner with a nonprofit organization to design and complete a service-learning project for that organization.
In the third trimester of the Urban EdVenture course, students begin work on the final project in collaboration with their homeroom teachers. Each...
To focus on sharing ideas, creating and following through on a plan, and being responsible for one’s role in a group. In addition, River Crossing can have multiple rounds to draw out or focus on key terms. This activity is often used...