The youth read the book Seedfolks and discuss the diverse characters and their individual contributions to a community garden. While learning about the thirteen individuals in the story, they identify their character, heritage, motivations, and contributions to nourishing...
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Unit: Sowing the Seeds of Community
Unit: We the Kids - The Three Branches and Me
In a kid-friendly approach, we look at the components of the U.S. Constitution and put early government-forming events in a context. We distinguish the roles of the three branches of government, especially the structure and responsibilities of our judicial system.
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.
Unit: Courage of the Heart
Participants learn about the scientific contributions of African American inventors and scientists today and in the past.
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Literature and primary documents help youth understand the role of the Constitution for the United States. They overview the three branches of government described in the first three articles and learn that government officials are serving with their time and talent for the common good. With the...
Unit: Souperservice Kids
These activities raise awareness of the five senses and the role the senses play in making food choices. We read a book about the senses and practice using them in center activities.
Unit: Art for the Common Good—Junkanoo!
Junkanoo is a Bahamian Festival that takes place in December. The festival was started by slaves who were restoring some of their native customs that they left behind in Africa. Junkanoo is a nice example of artistic expression communicating aspects of a...