The learners investigate their perceptions about bullying and its relationship to respect. They brainstorm ways to promote respect of self and others as individuals and as a group.
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Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 7)
Unit: Selflessness in Community
We each have gifts we can use to give our lives purpose and make the world better. Using our gifts for the good of others can solve problems, if we take bold and selfless action. Even very young people are capable of the kind of selfless actions that create positive change.
Unit: Character Education: Integrity (Grade 8)
In the first lesson, the learners analyzed the meaning of integrity as it reflects being true to themselves and reflecting honestly who they are in their actions. In this lesson, we expand the definition to include being true to oneself and others.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 7)
Learners reflect in writing about the value of honesty and following the rules. They explore the benefits to self and the common good.
Unit: What Respect Means to Me
After learning about the definition of respect toward self and others, we explore the idea of respect for property or the environment.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Play matching games on teams to gain familiarity with terms associated with philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To create multi-media iBooks with PSAs (public service announcements) that explore and raise awareness about (local or global) issues (such as homelessness, water pollution, education, or hunger) that can be addressed by philanthropy.
Unit: Road Less Traveled
Participants read about the philanthropic traditions of early African-American culture and place the values of giving in a hierarchy circle.
Unit: Advocacy-Getting the Job Done
Young people identify several advocacy strategies and draw conclusions as to their effectiveness. They research efforts in past advocacy campaigns to learn about people, styles, and effectiveness.
Unit: Surviving Auschwitz (9-12)
This lesson focuses on two young Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp. As they return to their home town and the concentration camp, they each tell their story and explain why they were willing to return to such an...